Scientific Committee

M. Alper Sahiner
Seton Hall University, USA
Günther Rupprechter
TU Wien, Austria
Banu Bahsi
Gebze Technical University, Turkey
Manho Lim
Pusan National university, South Korea
Oleksandr Kryshtal
AGH University, Poland
Shakil Ahmed Awan
University of Plymouth, UK
Dana Alina Magdas
National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Romania
Ali Assaf
University of Nantes, France
Nan Xu
University of Leeds, UK
Anuradha Pallipurath
University of Leeds, UK
Boyan Tatarov
University of Hertfordshire, UK
Urška Gradišar Centa
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Institut Jean Lamour, France
Hafizur Rahman
Mittuniversitetet, Sweden

Organizing Committee

A. Yavuz Oral (Chair)
Gebze Technical University, Turkey
Ersin Kayahan
Kocaeli University, Turkey
M. Alper Sahiner
Seton Hall University, USA


Aig Tur

Merdivenköy, İlkyuva Sk. No: 1D, 34732

Kadıkoy/Istanbul TURKEY

T +90 216 330 80 90 
F +90 216 302 97 23 


01 Abstract Submission Deadline: February 28, 2025 

02 Deadline for all Oral Presentation to be paid: March 14, 2025

03 Deadline for Regular Period: March 7, 2025

04 Notification of Acceptance, within 1-3 weeks after the receipt of abstract

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