
INT01-Applications of Microscopy &Spectroscopy in the Biological Sciences 


·         Bacteriology

·         Biological microanalysis

·         Biological sample preparation methods

·         Biological ultrastructure (Cells, Tissues, Virus, Organ Systems)

·         Biomedical applications

·         Biopolymers

·         Blood/Immunology

·         Botany

·         Developmental/Reproductive Biology

·         DNA/RNA

·         Entomology

·         Living cell imaging

·         Macro molecular interactions

·         Microbiology

·         Microscopy of molecular cell biology processes

·         Molecular motors

·         Mycology

·         Neurobiology

·         Parasitology

·         Pathology

·         Proteins

·         Sample preparation

·         Single-cell analysis

·         Time resolved analyses of cells and molecules

·         Virology


INT02-Applications of Microscopy & Spectroscopy in the Physical/Chemical Sciences, at all dimensional scales 


·         Analysis of cultural heritage/ancient materials

·         Biomaterials

·         Calibration standards

·         Ceramics

·         Composites

·         Defects in materials

·         Effects of microstructure on manufacture and commercial applications

·         Geology/Mineralogy

·         Glasses

·         Magnetic materials

·         Materials for energy conversion

·         Metals

·         Nanophases, nano-structures, clusters and catalysts

·         Nanotribology

·         Novel functional materials

·         Oxidation/corrosion

·         Phase transformation in metals, alloys and ceramics

·         Phenomena at surfaces/interfaces

·         Polymers

·         Quantification of surface structure/texture

·         Radiation effects in materials

·         Sample preparation

·         Semiconductor materials and devices

·         Surfaces/Films/Coatings


INT03-Advances in Instrumentation and Techniques in Microscopy 


·         Analytical microscopy

·         Atomic force microscopy

·         Auger electron microscopy

·         Bright field and fluorescence microscopy

·         Brewster angle microscopy

·         Cathodoluminescence microscopy

·         Cell microscopy

·         Compound microscope

·         Compositional mapping

·         Confocal microscopy

·         Confocal Raman microscopy

·         Correlative microscopy

·         Cytochemistry (Light and Electron Histochemistry, Immunohistochemistry, In-Stu Hybridization)

·         Digital holographic microscopy

·         Diffraction techniques

·         Dark-field microscope

·         EBSD microscopy

·         Electron crystallography

·         Electron holography

·         Field ion microscopy

·         High resolution electron microscopy

·         High-resolution episcopic microscopy

·         Illumination microscopy

·         Image analysis

·         Image simulation and image processing techniques

·         Immunoelectron microscopy

·         Interferometric microscopy

·         Infrared microscopy

·         In-Situ microscopy techniques

·         Instrument performance

·         Intravital microscopy

·         Kerr microscopy

·         Kelvin force probe microscopy

·         Label-free multiphoton microscopy

·         Laser microscopy

·         Localization microscopy

·         Lorentz microscopy

·         Low energy electron microscopy

·         Metallurgical microscope

·         Magnetic scanning gate microscopy

·         Magnetic resonance microscopy

·         Momentum microscopy

·         Neutron microscope

·         Near-field optical microscopy

·         Polarizing light microscope

·         Programmable aperture microscopy

·         Remote microscopy

·         Reflection electron microscope

·         Sample preparation

·         Scanning electrochemical microscopy

·         Scanning electron microscopy

·         Scanning helium ion microscope

·         Scanning ion conductance microscopy

·         Scanning ohmic microscopy

·         Scanning tunneling microscopy

·         Scanning probe microscopy

·         Stereology

·         Super-resolution light microscopy

·         Stimulation emission depletion (STED) microscopy

·         Traction force microscopy

·         Transmission electron microscopy

·         Thermal microscopy

·         Ultrafast transient absorption microscopy

·         Ultraviolet microscopy

·         Virtual microscopy

·         X-ray microscopy


INT04-Advances in Instrumentation and Techniques in Spectroscopy 


·         Acoustic resonance spectroscopy

·         Auger spectroscopy 

·         Anisotropy spectroscopy

·         Brillouin spectroscopy

·         Cavity ring down spectroscopy

·         Circular dichroism spectroscopy

·         Coherent anti-stokes Raman spectroscopy

·         Cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectroscopy

·         Correlation spectroscopy

·         Decay spectroscopy

·         Deep-level transient spectroscopy

·         Dielectric relaxation spectroscopy

·         Dual polarization interferometry

·         Electron phenomenological spectroscopy

·         Electronic absorption and emission spectroscopy

·         Energy dispersive spectroscopy

·         Electron energy loss spectroscopy

·         EPR spectroscopy

·         Far-infrared spectroscopy

·         Fluorescence spectroscopy

·         Force spectroscopy

·         Fourier transform spectroscopy

·         Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)

·         Hadron spectroscopy

·         Baryon spectroscopy and meson spectroscopy

·         Hyperspectral imaging

·         Impedance spectroscopy

·         Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy

·         Inelastic neutron scattering

·         Infrared spectroscopy

·         Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy

·         Laser spectroscopy

·         Mass spectroscopy

·         Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

·         Mechanomagnetic spectroscopy

·         Microbeam mass spectroscopy

·         Microwave spectroscopy

·         Mid-infrared spectroscopy

·         Molecular spectroscopy

·         Mössbauer spectroscopy

·         Non-destructive spectroscopy

·         Noise spectroscopy

·         Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

·         Nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy

·         Neutron spin echo spectroscopy

·         Near field infrared spectroscopy

·         Photoluminescence spectroscopy

·         Photoacoustic spectroscopy

·         Photoemission spectroscopy

·         Photo-thermal spectroscopy

·         Positron annihilation spectroscopy

·         Proton spectroscopy

·         Pump-probe spectroscopy

·         Raman optical activity spectroscopy

·         Raman spectroscopy

·         Reflectance spectroscopy

·         Saturated spectroscopy

·         Secondary ion mass spectroscopy

·         Scanning tunneling spectroscopy

·         Spectrophotometry

·         Surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy

·         Time-resolved spectroscopy

·         Time-stretch Spectroscopy

·         Thermal infrared spectroscopy

·         Thermal desorption spectroscopy

·         Thermally stimulated currents (TSC) spectroscopy

·         THz time domain spectroscopy;

·         Tunneling spectroscopy

·         Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS)

·         UV/vis spectroscopy

·         Video spectroscopy

·         Vibrational spectroscopy

·         Wavelength dispersive spectroscopy

·         X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD)

·         X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF)

·         X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)

·         X-ray absorption spectroscopy

·         γ-ray spectroscopy


Aig Tur

Merdivenköy, İlkyuva Sk. No: 1D, 34732

Kadıkoy/Istanbul TURKEY

T +90 216 330 80 90 
F +90 216 302 97 23 


01 Abstract Submission Deadline: February 28, 2025 

02 Deadline for all Oral Presentation to be paid: March 14, 2025

03 Deadline for Regular Period: March 7, 2025

04 Notification of Acceptance, within 1-3 weeks after the receipt of abstract

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